
  • Website was well designed but it was very static.
  • Website had no CMS driven content. The client wanted to be able manage blog posts and changelogs directly inside Webflow.
  • Website needed to be simplified and streamlined by deleting duplicative content and obsolete pages.
  • ‍Website needed to reflect their updated brand and style guides.


  • We created CMS driven content including blog, changelog, template library and integrations collections and templates.
  • With Webflow, the Clay team could ship new designs and we could get more creative with interactions and animations‍, including Lottie files created by Claymation Hudson Christie.

Sections overview

Partnering with Finsweet has enabled Clay to creatively develop and launch so many creative projects. We’re constantly spitballing ideas and having Finsweet bring these visions to life within days.
Nashilu Mouen-Makoua
Head of growth

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