Homepage overview

Fundraiser and merchant registration on-site.


  • Static copy of offers available on the internet.
  • Manual, technical process to make updates.
  • Traditional web infrastructure.


  • Scalable Webflow site with rapid design iteration control.
  • Full integration to membership system with user login and storing offers.

Technical project details

  • Full login system — login, log out, sign up, hide/show password, email validation, etc
  • Enable or disable the offer redemption feature based on user’s subscription level. Custom user permissions.
  • Redeemable offers (entertainment.com.au/offers) from Entertainment’s API.
  • Display offers based on the user's location, popular offers, and new offers.
  • Custom filters and subfilters of offers (entertainment.com.au/offers).
  • Campaign pages that pull information from Entertainment's API.
  • Fundraiser and merchant registration on-site.
  • Custom search auto complete implementation.
  • Custom implementation of infinite scrolling on the offers page (entertainment.com.au/offers).
  • Integration of client's ReactJS components to speak with legacy system.
  • Integration of new authentication system with components made inside Webflow Designer.
Custom search auto complete implementation.
Full login system — login, log out, sign up, hide/show password, email validation, etc

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